• Cyclists of Boston – An Inside Look From The Bike Lane

    Cyclists of Boston – An Inside Look From The Bike Lane

    Over the past two years in Boston, I’ve spent my time photographing the many cyclists of the City. From day one it was clear this city is meant for cycling,… Read More

First time visiting? CLICK HERE



These days I’m living on the Big Island of Hawaii. Like any new experience, each day brings unique challenges as I begin to branch out and discover what it means to live here on island. Most days I’m traveling around as a networking technician, servicing various IT needs that come my way. With the amount of exposure brought on from my day job, I can’t help but ruminate on photography ideas as I familiarize myself with the local area. Oh the joys of found inspiration. Keep checking back for content as I transfer my thoughts and ideas digital.

  • Beyond Toronto – A Vacation of Visual Exploration

    Beyond Toronto – A Vacation of Visual Exploration

    Last year a dear friend of mine was forced to leave his life in New Hampshire and found himself on a new journey destined for… Read More

  • This is a Test

    This is a Test

    This is filler text to test the layout of posts and templates. Thanks for your interest while the site is under development. This is filler… Read More

  • Another Test

    Another Test

    This is filler text to test the layout of posts and templates. Thanks for your interest while the site is under development. This is filler… Read More